[A GO!]
Ebonic translation = AYO B!
Let's circle up, because I really did have a banging intro, but, because distractions, I totally forgot what awesome quip I had planned for my first inaugural internet sentence. I'm sure it doesn't help that I am trying to type this while at my 9-5, but oh well. In my opinion, we have come to love distractions. Distraction Every time I really try to do something productive, inevitably I get distracted, and sometimes I even plan my distraction time. Distraction I tried to trick myself so that every distraction produced an action that led to success. Welp, the very first time I took a shot at success, it didn't go so well... take a look at the results... I was trying to do too much at one time, clearly. Now the second time, I knew better, so when I attempted my run at success again, I got halfway there... But to no avail, I fell flat on my face again. Distraction Then, D-Wade hit my jack and was like, "Yooooo bro, every time you get knocked down, you gotta swag yourself back up again". Obviously, once I got that pep talk, I reached for success again, and I got so close, I really was on the ball . From my situation, you can discern that achieving success takes time. No one becomes a success on the first attempt. Distraction Ok, enough distractions, let's get down.
We indeed are in a matrix, but we can move to a "Creatix" where we run our own businesses and systems. Like the hip hop artist KRS-One, who stated, “the universe sent me here today, with this descent”, I must inform off rip, that I am of African descent, born in America, and unapologetic-ally comfortable with knowing who I am. I am a man of the people and for the people, that will never change. My goal is to help free thinkers morph into men and women of action and organize groups that can positively impact our neighborhoods. I am fighting for our youth who need leaders to provide real world curriculum's, not images on screens. I stand for colorblind truth, which stems from a favorite Carl Sagan quote, “If it can be destroyed by the truth, it deserves to be destroyed by the truth.” We can all help one another achieve these goals; these are thee missions for HomeBase.
Success is something that everyone talks about, yet few "put their money where their mouth is". You want a million dollars? You want to save the world? Be about it! Success is action, not audio. I challenged myself to be thechange success I wanted to be, and HomeBase is just the start of my vision. I challenge you to do the same. Don't talk about it, be about it. No one can make it own their own and Homebase is here to help me help you Be..'Bout... It. Our “about me” mentality can become ABOUT US, and we can be HomeBase to our families, our communities, and ultimately our world.
We indeed are in a matrix, but we can move to a "Creatix" where we run our own businesses and systems. Like the hip hop artist KRS-One, who stated, “the universe sent me here today, with this descent”, I must inform off rip, that I am of African descent, born in America, and unapologetic-ally comfortable with knowing who I am. I am a man of the people and for the people, that will never change. My goal is to help free thinkers morph into men and women of action and organize groups that can positively impact our neighborhoods. I am fighting for our youth who need leaders to provide real world curriculum's, not images on screens. I stand for colorblind truth, which stems from a favorite Carl Sagan quote, “If it can be destroyed by the truth, it deserves to be destroyed by the truth.” We can all help one another achieve these goals; these are thee missions for HomeBase.
Success is something that everyone talks about, yet few "put their money where their mouth is". You want a million dollars? You want to save the world? Be about it! Success is action, not audio. I challenged myself to be the
"As another has well said, to handicap a student by teaching him that his black face is a curse and that his struggle to change his condition is hopeless is the worst sort of lynching. It kills one's aspirations and dooms him to vagabondage and crime. It is strange, then, that the friends of truth and the promoters of freedom have not risen up against the present propaganda in the schools and crushed it. This crusade is much more important than the anti-lynching (ie. police brutality) movement, because there would be no lynching if it did not start in the schoolroom. Why not exploit, enslave, or exterminate a class that everybody is taught to regard as inferior?" (Excerpt -The Miseducation of the Negro, Carter G. Woodson)
This powerful quote brings me to purpose. Our purpose as original people is to realize that whoever we think is coming to save us, whether man, woman or spirit being, we have to first save ourselves. We have been "lynched" for so long and conditioned to think a savior is coming, and that is totally fine. However, we as people must consider ALL options. What if a savior never reappears? Welp, then it truly is up to everyone of us educate ourselves on how to save our people. Through HomeBase, we can build success as a black nation together. I want everyone, to want everyone on the road attaining exactly that. In the words of Marshawn Lynch, let us all "Shoutout my real AfriKans" and be, "About dat ACTION boss!".
So, here is what I believe the problem is. We have all the answers, we know what we need to do, we clearly have enough net worth as a group to accomplish our goals, we have lectures and forums and books and radio shows and this and that and that and this. We got this .org and that .org and this .org within that .org and that .org working on the same as another .org and this .org discrediting that .org over there, yet all .orgs seem to be working on helping everyone not in an .org join an .org and help raise us out of the lower class. Sounds like a swingin orgy to me. Everyone's having these mental masturbation sessions, where they give you so much intel, with so much enthusiasm, that you feel good after hearing new info that you did not know. Yet, nothing gets accomplished. Back when we could not read, we still got together and laid out action steps to overcome our socioeconomic problems. Back in the 60's we had action steps that included boycotts and sit ins to get our point across. We had no knowledge about Illuminati and all that other stuff floating about now.
Solution, is simple... We need to set goals and delegate tasks as a united people. Personally, I do not care what we decide to do, as long as we show unity, because we are divided and conquered now. Unity, I believe is the first goal, and here is my attempt in figuring out how to achieve it and tasks we must complete to make it happen. Kinda' like a video game where you have objectives to complete a mission, now in real life. With that said, let me breakdown how HomeBase will operate and how that will segue into goals and tasks for our people. Also, excuse this introduction, I know it's lengthy, nevertheless, I must put it down, because laying foundations are definitely critical.
Homepage of HomeBase. Pretty much self-explanatory. Allows you to navigate through each sub-level of the website. You will see links to "The Corner" (this blog), "Connect" (contact us), "Know Thyself" (Bio page), and "Black Market" (our marketplace). Comprehensive breakdown of these categories to come. Also, towards the bottom of The Lab, notice three other sections. They include: Latest Intel, Homebase Onlibrary, and Now Playing. One of my favorite sections is the Question of the Day area, although self-explanatory, I will delve further into this later. Finally, at the very top you will see links to my social media pages. Personally, I will be spending my time updating Youtube and Instagram. So check those if you are looking for great docs to watch or some comic relief. The Lab
A page which delivers irrefutable dope content, stronger than Blue Magic, regarding issues most prevalent during the current month. These are articles I believe benefit our process of cooperative economics, tactical skills, and personal development. I figure, the world is my family, so I'ma try to put you all through school. Latest Intel
Spawn of the "Creatrix". Grow your online knowledge. In its most basic form, this will serve as a library, on the internet, updated by you and I. I will be updating it frequently with articles from the Latest Intel page, gifs/memes I think are funny, books you should read, black business news etc.. You can get as creative as you like with this page. All you have to do is send me the link with the category it falls under. I will add it to the OnLibrary with a caption with your name (or pseudo name if you like anonymity). I really don't care if it is a video from a talent show in which you performed, or a link to an article you would like to share with the community, or a site with a hook up for us all. Submit it, I will post it, the creativity of us all will grow into a searchable library for the internets. You want to see how poop can be turned into drinking water? HomeBase OnLibrary
Not too much detail needed for this section. Click on the link and you will find the top four most played videos from my Youtube page. If you need more to watch, or want to be inspired, head to the Youtube page for more family! Just don't binge. Now Playing
At the bottom of The Lab, you will find this section. Whatever you wish to learn, ask it. The community will then, in the comments section, attempt to answer your question. Of course, I will do my best to answer the questions as well. You can direct the question to me, or direct the question to the community, however you see fit. Each answer, with adjoining links, will be archived in the Homebase OnLibrary for research purposes as well. Hopefully, someone asks, "How did they figure out when and how to start global time? Like, who designated hour one on which longitude? Question of the Day
This blog page/contact us/my bio
Carry on
And... Still We Rise... Together! So, I have been formulating this idea in my head for a few years now, and I finally have platforms to birth it. To economize our economy, I figured we needed a vehicle where all black businesses, entrepreneurs, artists, unions, freelancers, personal develo...sorry I am babbling. Pretty much anyone with something to sell, trade, or service to give away can use this marketplace. I don't care if you are one or a hundred and one. I mean, even if your service or business is in the idea stage put it on the market. Even if you sell thee most pungent cannabis, (from applicable states, obviously) link into the Black Market. Currently, I am making calls to all black business owners I know to add them to this marketplace. Eventually, it will be coded by region, state, and city. I am commissioning this so that our Black Market can be a place where we all shop and support our brothers and sisters trying to make a living. The point is to buy the things you need from our people, or at least look here first for your item. Then if you cannot find it, shop elsewhere. We need this. We NEED this. It has become common knowledge we spend the most money in the US. If we spend it with our brothas and sistas, who knows the amount of capital, goods, and fiscal power we can yield. Shameful plug: Of course I will have my retail items for sale, just in case you're interested. Black Market
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Finally, now that we know how everything will work. Moving forward, I will do my best, every time I drop bars, to not only include solutions, but actual tasks and action steps we can take with all this knowledge that we have gained in this "Information Age". Post up. The Corner
*Action steps - Next time you directly impact our community through action, take a photo, send it my way and I'll post it on FB, or tag me on Instagram (2BlkPowerFists). Make sure you tag it #PostUp, #BoutIt, or #Back2Black
*Action steps - Next time you directly impact our community through action, take a photo, send it my way and I'll post it on FB, or tag me on Instagram (2BlkPowerFists). Make sure you tag it #PostUp, #BoutIt, or #Back2Black
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