Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Day One

The following contains an account, relishing on the deeds and daily entrepreneur activities of Oba Sankofa.

(Side Commentary provided by his editor)

May 23rd, 2016  

So today, my alarm went off at 5, 5:12, 5:30, 6, 6:30, 7, 8, and 9:05. I officially got out of the bed at 9:25. 
                                                                                                               Editor: Terrible

Chill /  

The night before, I told myself, I actually vehemently commanded myself that no matter what I was going to get up at 5, and begin my day. All was not lost however, as I did get a great morning workout in, but I missed a chance to make some guala, as two agencies called me and asked if I wanted to sub. They were turned down.. 

                                                                                                              Editor: What an #Entrepreneur

Womp /

I meditated, read a section out of "Think and Grow Rich", ate some cream of wheat, went outside for some fresh air, showered, then made my to do list. The temptation to go on bleacher report was strong, but I stayed away. 


On the way to seek out possible interns from the Fox School of Business at Temple University, I met a young lady who works for a company I used to work for called Camel. We exchanged contact information. It is part of my job. She was straight. 

M got married, so we spoke for a bit about future plans, after I wished him congrats. I was going to go to the office, but my car would not start. So instead of printing out my pictures for my vision board, I made 40 calls, set up 2 appointments, confirmed an appointment, and left 20 voice mails. 

I walked to NET (ran by M), in order to teach juveniles, who ran into trouble with the law, learn about thier future financial outlook, by showing them the first 15 minutes of this video

                                                                                                          Editor: You made them watch that..
                                                                                                                       (Inserts gun to head emoji)

Just edit the paper bol /

                                                                                                          Editor: Their is spelled wrong

Whatever /

My man JG scrolled by after that... THC wasn't on the to do list. But, freestyling was. So we partook and had a great cypher. My car still wouldn't start, so JG dropped me off at the L, on 2nd and Spring Garden. I never took that route before. I was schpeeked, so I got off on the wrong stop.

                                                                                                        Editor: Typical

If I explained, it would only seem worse /

The plan was to hit this member mixer of a club I am part of. I shook some hands, met a couple decent prospects and people. I definitely should have introduced myself to some more of the heavy hitters, my ghost of fear hit me, and paralyzed me from doing just that. I stopped at Del Frisco's before I went home to peep the Cavs game. They were getting blown out. 

                                                                                                         Editor: Cavs Suck, Indians Suck,
                                                                                                                     Browns Suck 

I'll just ignore that /

I took the Broad Line back home, spent some money I shouldn't have, got home, and of course, my car decided to start. I talked to QB for about an hour before I went inside.

I cooked a little foody food and took it down. 


Dollars made: $0
Dollars spent: AAA Batteries $10, USB Drive $10, Sub Fare: $5 New Phone Charger + Lollipop: $6 
Difference = -$31

Personal Growth: Reading, Freestyle, Working Out, Affirmation

To Do List: Incomplete

People Met: 5

Calls Made: 40
Appointments Set: 4

                                                                                                                   Editor: Great Start Michael


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