Wednesday, November 4, 2015


Dig this... Back in the day, many wranglers used to brand their cows and livestock, so other wranglers would know which herd belonged to who. That way, if any animals went missing or escaped, your peers would know whom to return their property too. Best believe they made money off of those animals. In my opinion, now, this is just a wild guess, but I doubt cows looked at that brand as a status symbol. However, they probably looked at the wranglers who branded them as an evil god  dictator  slave-master  figure who took a piece of their peace of mind.

Aye y'all, check ya gear...

The reason we can be branded so easily is because, we , as black people, have an identity crisis.. That allows us to be branded off into different sects that are divided and conquered. Since we defend these different brands, whether its sports, fashion, or music, while not fully realizing that a very small percentage of them were actually started with one of us at the helm. Yes, there have been many black pioneers in those fields. As a whole nationality, do we as black, Afrikan people have a code we live by designed by us and our origins? Blackness is a design of our ancestors aka original men/women. They had codes of civilization that they lived by. Period. They did not worry about what race was which, who was lighter or darker, what place you where from, what set (religious, gang, industry, occupation, etc) you repped. As long as you lived under our common code of unity among brothers and sisters, you were African and participated in African spiritual ceremonies. Division in Africa, our native land, occurred when we allowed our code of conduct to be forgotten. We began to argue over our identity!

My people, if we must continue to support "name brand" identities, let's circle up, have a meeting of the minds, of people of African descent, who value our ancestral principles. Dig up those truths, come to an agreement. Create our code based on our modern lifestyle, then live accordingly. Thus, anyone does not share those values, codes, and principles... No problem, We do not hate you, we love you all the same, just please do not straddle the fence. There are other codes where you can straddle the fence, this will not be one of those outfits.

Black people, we are apart of an "original" generation. We were taught how to do research. We used to take trips to the library in grade school to actually learn how to sift through information to determine valid facts and opinion-based information. We have everything we need to be successful. We need to create our own Afrikan libraries, dictionaries, schools, communities, cities, nations. We literally have to begin to build our identity back by OURSELVES, without any outside interference from other dogma of modern cultures. For example, whoever created our modern day Santa was not black. Throw that out. Brothers and sisters, we live in a matrix not designed by original people. The first step is to organize. To research and gather information about our ancestors and vote on a code that we live by. We can do it, it is simple. Social media real yo. The ones that stray away from the path must be called out. You see a brother or sister doing some foo-gay-zee (no links necessary) activities that is out of character (not in the code) you let him/her know they can't be doing that nonsense. We have to begin to have standards as a conscious people. Civil lies must end. As long as we stay suppressed by this monetary veil of success... classism . Rich over poor, which has led to an inverse relationship, that if it continues will totally destroy humanity.

I am not advocating we start a new religion or cause. I am just advocating unity among our people and a code that black people adhere to as a nation that gives us a true identity so that all of our popular brands are native to our thoughts, facts, and lifestyle.


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