Monday, February 8, 2016

The End... Is Never

This concept has been bugging me for a few years actually. The fact that people keep on saying the world is going to end, we are living in the end times.. Obama is the last president, the US is doomed. Womp Womp Womp.

How superstitious people sound. Here are a few issues I have with such mentalities..
1) What clear evidence is there that the world is coming to an end? The Earth is not going to destroy itself. Humans have been around for millions of years, what evidence is there that all the sudden, the human race will suddenly become extinct?
2) The most important and succinct issue is the thinking process behind those statements. Throughout day to day conversations, I remind people about this point the most, if everyone continues to speak out the world is ending, and thinking that as well, obviously, that has a greater chance of happening. So when I'm out I always tell people to say the world is changing and I will be positively make my contribution.

Approaching the first point, you have to ask yourself, who and where am I getting this notion from that the world is coming to an end? Am I a lemming, perpetuating an age old "cry-wolf" mentality to start conversation? Are you talking to talk? Or are you actively trying to change that situation you speak about? Use metacognition (Think about what you think about) and why that thought keeps coming out of your mouth.

Listen, ever since the world began, people have been fanatically prophesizing its "doomsday". This will continue to happen because most people are negative energy factories. Example, get on a train one day in the morning and say out loud how awful today has been, I guarantee you will have a more than a few people agree, some might even strike a conversation about their similar circumstance. Now take that same scenario, and say out loud how amazing today is and out loud exclaim, "I'm fired up!" Watch how people shrink away. Maybe even thinking you're crazy. They can't handle it. The positive energy makes them feel weak and inferior.

I want to remind people that the revolution will not be televised. Of course, doomsday cycles through the media channels. Why would the people in power want to give up that power and showcase the people rallying to make the world a better place? Because, if you haven't noticed, the revolution isn't  coming, it is here.

Aye Doe... Hotep

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