Saturday, January 23, 2016

Hypocritical Theory


There are many black power, Pan-African savants, conscious thinking, black wallstreet linguists. Who, currently help out our community in more ways than one. I appreciate them all. To them I say keep up the good  great work in raising awareness amongst our people about the condition we found ourselves in, here in America. I'd also like to lightly point out, that in that same space an equal amount of individuals practice what they staunchly condemn. I will be the first to admit, that I do not always spend my dollars with black businesses. In my humble opinion, as many activists I see posting on IG, black businesses should be off to a great start in 2016. Is that really the case though? This is the way I look at it...

Many of us in the "conscious" community point the finger at the Church, at the Boule and other spin offs of Greek organizations. We put up posts on social media of groups of people that have "failed" blacks such as the elites, politicians, and entertainers. Even myself, am very fast to point out the vast amount of wealth these upper class individuals have, yet why they do not spread the wealth to us.

Well, I think I know why. Imagine for a quick second, that you were Michael Jordan. You check social media every now and then, and you do follow some activists and individuals who preach black power and building up the black community. You see the posts about what black people as a group can do with their money, the buying power, you see the historical evidence of white supremacy memes, and logical facts about what the church is and is not. As Michael Jordan though, you begin to wonder... The Church, has a body of membership and at least a pastoral board and delegates. The elite have a network where they can call and meet up with each other as often as they would like. Even the politicians have courts and halls. As MJ, you begin to wonder, all these conscious posts, all these million men/women gatherings.. But what has actually been DONE. What organizations have conscious people started to rival the church? What funds for buildings have they pooled together? Why as MJ would you invest your money and time into... Even more divided sects of black people who hardly agree on anything. You have yet to see a conscious group of people with a mega anything, yet they so quickly denounce Christianity. As MJ where who would you go talk to? Where would you find them? Finally, you see they are quick to bash you and other celebs, but where are they in terms of man power to affect any change? You haven't seen those groups unify better than Christians, it's not like conscious people meet up once a week and discuss business like democrats or chamber of commerce professionals. As MJ, I'd probably snicker at some of the posts, use it as motivation, then go on about my day, just more noise on the internet, nothing to serious to worry about. My financial coach is calling about my stock, which can actually affect my day...

(Imagine, the above scenario is probably how white supremacists agents look at our internet presence as well)

My point is simply this, I know there are a slew of individuals who are "conscious". Now it is literally, time to put our money where are mouth is and achieve the community in "conscious community". We clearly cannot count on the elites, the sheep, the politicians, etc. We always ask people in the church, "who are they waiting for" the same question must be asked amongst our group as well... Who are we waiting for to actually start uniting and living amongst each other to achieve the historical greatness we so keenly memely status out. Instead of pointing fingers, let us actually join hands and resourcefully buy a building for town hall meetings, youth education centers, banks, transportation centers, markets, etc.

That starts with unity and trust. Which, as we know, through conditioning, we have a hard building. If this were not the case, the so called "conscious community" would be up and running by now. My people we have to practice what we preach, because if we don't... Who will? We can no longer chastise the church and other orgs, when we do not even have a central meeting place nor a day of the week to gather.

Well, it sounds like we need a HomeBase!

Luckily, I found one. If this message sinks in, please please contact me so we can get rolling ASAP. Time is of the essence.

Aye Doe... Hotep

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